Professional Program in Marketing (PPM)

UT Dallas Jindal school online and hybrid student workspace, with laptop and phone Master of Science in Marketing
Christian De Lara (right) grinned with pride after earning a bachelor’s degree in marketing from the Naveen Jindal School of Management. He has landed a job in sales at IBM.

Jump-start your marketing career with the Professional Program in Marketing

The Naveen Jindal School of Management offers the Professional Program in Marketing (PPM) to high-performing undergraduate marketing majors. This program enables marketing students to launch into successful careers with top-tier employers. In addition to the required rigorous coursework, students in the PPM have access to workshops and professional networking opportunities.

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How does the PPM benefit marketing students?

The Professional Program in Marketing benefits JSOM marketing majors by providing them with:

  • Exclusive access to networking opportunities with employers
  • Valuable connections with other high-performing marketing students
  • Opportunities to practice functional skills on additional projects
  • Mentorship from PPM staff and other experienced marketing professionals

When is the PPM application deadline?

  • Fall online applications deadline: October 31
  • Spring online applications deadline: February 28

Frequently Asked Questions about the PPM

The PPM is a one-to two-year undergraduate program designed to create better outcomes for exceptional marketing students pursuing top marketing positions and careers. The program does not require that more than the amount (120 hours) of course credit required to graduate be earned. However, supplemental technical and professional skills workshops will be offered. Students will be required to take two designated rigorous classes such as Advanced Personal Selling, Marketing Analytics, Marketing Projects, Social Marketing, Predictive Analytics or Fast-Track courses. More designated courses will be added in the future.

Marketing students who meet the requirements and have time to supplement their curriculum with additional technical skills, professional polishing workshops and rigorous classes should apply.

Fall online applications are due by Oct. 31 and Spring online applications are due by Feb. 28.

To be admitted, you must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a marketing major (double majors are fine).
  2. Have and keep at least 3.4 GPA.
  3. Earned at least 6 graded hours at UT Dallas or another four-year college.
  4. Be of Sophomore or Junior standing.

PPM students must:

  1. Maintain a 3.4 cumulative GPA.
  2. 2 certifications.
  3. Complete two rigorous classes.
  4. Complete at least two internships before graduation. Exceptions can be made for study abroad or other approved reasons.
  5. Participate in the AMA UTD chapter, Advanced Sales competition, undergraduate research project or other approved marketing/sales activity before graduation.

No, this program will not conflict with the DMHP program but rather is designed to enhance the DMHP.

Bachelor’s in Marketing Resource Articles

Julie Haworth and Claudia Kwee

Research Isn’t Just for Science Majors — It’s for Marketing Majors, Too!

While a BS in Marketing program student, Claudia Kwee had a chance to conduct a research project and present it at an educators’ conference in Houston.

Marketing student organization meeting

Now Is a Good Time to Help a Nonprofit Organization

By being part of the UT Dallas community, we know we are blessed with support, resources and connections — but most of all hope.

Jindal School undergraduate interns

How Our Marketing Students Land Over 150 Internships Every Year

The BS in Marketing program’s required internship is important for acquiring needed experience to land that first job. It’s also a crucial part of our trilogy experience, which includes completion of an internship, 100 hours of community engagement experience and a capstone senior project course.

Shannon Cotts, Collegiate Marketer of the Year

Students’ Work Played a Part in a Corporate Acquisition

In May 2019, Shannon Cotts won the DFW AMA Collegiate Marketer of the Year award for her outstanding data analysis provided to startup business Fixd, a Dallas-based home warranty and service repair business.

Julie Haworth

Capstone Senior Projects Provides Real-World Solutions for an Array of Clients

The Professional Program in Marketing (PPM) is a program that provides supplemental workshops and professional opportunities while also encouraging participation in rigorous courses. This elite program was the brainchild of a past Capstone Senior Project Marketing (MKT 4395) course.

Tom Henderson, article author

What You Learn From Capstone Senior Projects

Capstone Senior Projects give students a taste of real-world situations. Students gain experience working with corporations in the community, showcasing their expertise and professionalism.

See all Bachelor’s in Marketing Articles

Ready to Apply to PPM?

If you’re ready to take on the exciting challenge for yourself and your future, start your application now.

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