Written by Julie Haworth
It’s true that UT Dallas Bachelor of Science in Marketing students register over 150 marketing and sales internships every year, and those represent only the ones that students are completing for college credit.
For the last few semesters, we have asked our students to use #UTDMarketing to write a summary on LinkedIn about their experience. A quick look highlights positions in digital, sales and content marketing working for such companies as Axxess, Lincoln Financial Advisors, Mitel, Remington Hotels and Rocket Launch.
There is a lot of breadth associated with where our students work. They find their jobs through the Jindal School’s Career Management Center, connections from friends, family and professors, online job boards, nonprofit organizations, by taking on an extra marketing project associated with their current job and, internationally, through The Intern Group.
Even more impressive is that our marketing majors complete more than one internship during their college experience.
Our required internship is important for acquiring needed experience to land that first job, and it’s a crucial part of our trilogy experience. The trilogy experience includes completion of an internship, 100 hours of community engagement experience and a capstone senior project course, as well as mastering a comprehensive business and marketing curriculum.
Importantly, our exit surveys indicate that at least 60% of entry-level jobs started as an internship. A great example of this is BS in Marketing 2016 alumna Ana Corona, the assistant brand manager at DalTile, who started her career as a marketing intern for the company six years ago. I remember coming to her intern showcase and was impressed with her work then for the company.
Even today, the internship program for our marketing students is thriving. Perhaps more than ever, marketing is needed — needed for telling a company’s story (especially during challenging times), keeping sales going and creating or maintaining awareness and communications.
If you want to know more about our internship program, please contact me. I am here to help you understand the process and potential. So, here’s to our interns. Keep up the great work.