FAQ – MS in Marketing

Questions and Answers About the Master’s in Marketing

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the UT Dallas Master’s in Marketing degree, including links and resources if you’re interested in the student experience at Jindal School of Management.

General Questions About the Master’s in Marketing

The MS in Marketing program is 36 semester credit hours. It can be completed in one year by taking 12 credit hours per semester, but most students take 18 months to two years to complete the program. International students must take a minimum of nine (9) credit hours per semester. The entire program must be completed within six (6) years.

The MS in Marketing program is NOT a cohort program. Students can start in any semester: fall, spring or summer.

The Master of Science in Marketing degree program teaches the principles and application of marketing concepts and best practices. Different tracks emphasize different topics, such as advertising and branding, business development, digital marketing, marketing analytics, marketing management and product management.

Please go to the Master of Science in Marketing program description in the UT Dallas graduate catalog.

Tracks are for informational and guidance purposes only and do not appear on your degree. You may switch from one track to another as long as you follow our degree plan. When you are not able to strictly follow one of the 6 specialty tracks listed on our curriculum page, you should make sure that you, at a minimum, meet the criteria of the Marketing Management track, which acts as a self-guided track and gives you the most flexibility.

Yes, the Master of Science in Marketing program is a STEM-designated program.

Master of Science in Marketing vs Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master of Science in Marketing Master of Business Administration (MBA)
36 hours 53 hours
17 fewer semester credit hours of tuition than the MBA N/A
Can be completed in 1 to 1½ years Can be completed in 1½ to 2½ years
No math/calculus prerequisite Math prerequisite
You can take up to 30 hours of marketing courses. The additional 6 hours are comprised of a statistics and a database course. You can take up to 15 hours of marketing courses. Other courses cover a wide range of subjects, such as accounting, economics, finance, information technology, operations research, organizational behavior, and more.
Students can specialize in marketing core courses, plus add a specialization in areas such as advertising, business development, marketing analytics or product management. Students can pursue a concentration in marketing, which cannot exceed 15 hours.

We have a student chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA). In addition, the DFW chapters of both the AMA and the American Advertising Federation (AAF) have student rates and operate at both the local and national levels. Participating students get to meet and network with experienced industry officials and, in some instances, participate in scholarship competitions. There are other marketing groups that meet both on and off campus, including Social Media Dallas, the Dallas Digital Analytics Association, the DFW Interactive Management Association and others.

Yes, there are several classes offered online; however, they may not be offered every semester. The following courses are currently available online

  • All the business core courses — Marketing Management (MKT 6301), Data Management (MIS 6326) and Statistics and Data Analysis (OPRE 6301)
  • From the marketing core, Marketing Data Analysis and Research (MKT 6309) and Consumer Behavior (MKT 6310) have an online offering;
  • From the marketing electives, the following courses have an online offering at least once every year: Interactive and Digital Marketing (MKT 6321), Brand Management (MKT 6330), Advertising and Promotional Strategy (MKT 6332) and Pricing Analytics (MKT 6336).

Yes, but the MS in Marketing Online program does not have every marketing course available as an online course. All online courses are prerecorded; they are not real-time, live-streaming courses. For a fully online MS in Marketing degree, you are limited to the courses listed on the online program page and any new online courses that might be added in the future. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents may complete the MS in Marketing program entirely online. F-1 students are limited to one (1) online class per semester.

Of the marketing specialty tracks offered, only our Marketing Management Track can be completed entirely online.

For more information, see:

No, because most students in the MS in Marketing program work, it is difficult to organize a foreign trip with enough students. Moreover, because the MS in Marketing is a 12-course program, we do not allow one overseas trip to substitute for a course. However, the Jindal School frequently offers different semester-long study abroad programs, which may count for credit only if a student is completing the double MBA-MS in Marketing program and has pre-approval from the Marketing program director.

Upon approval, up to 9 hours of graduate-level coursework from other universities may be transferred into the MS in Marketing degree program. You must have obtained a grade of B or better, and the courses cannot have been taken more than six years ago. You can apply for transfer or waiver of credits after enrolling in the MS in Marketing degree program.

Waivers of program requirements may be granted in recognition of previous coursework completed with a grade of “B” or better within the past six years in a specific business program area. Waivers are approved by the appropriate program director through a process that allows a student to skip a core course and take the next higher-level course in the same academic area with no reduction in the overall program hour requirements.

Transfer of credits may be granted for equivalent graduate coursework taken at other universities with a grade of “B” or better within the past six years. Up to 9 semester credit hours of coursework from other universities may be waived or transferred to the MS in Marketing program.

Students officially admitted to a Naveen Jindal School of Management graduate program must obtain prior approval before taking any courses at another university. The resultant transfer hours may be denied if prior approval is not obtained. See the Jindal School Advising Office for details on applying for pre-approvals.

Yes, the minimum required total for both degrees is 63 semester credit hours, or 26 fewer semester credit hours than if you pursue them separately. However, you may have to do more than the minimum 63 semester credit hours because some areas of concentration (such as Accounting) do not share many of the same courses as the MS in Marketing.

Yes, the minimum required total for both degrees is 55 semester credit hours, or 17 fewer semester credit hours than if you pursue them separately. However, you may have to do more than the minimum 55 semester credit hours because some master’s programs do not share many of the same courses as the MS in Marketing. For example, there would not be many shared courses in a double MS in Finance and MS in Marketing.

This program is only available to UT Dallas undergraduate students. Jindal School students and students from other schools at UTD can fast-track into the MS in Marketing degree program as long as they meet the fast-track admission requirements.

  1. You do not need to take the GMAT or GRE exam if you enroll in the MS in Marketing within one year from the completion of your undergraduate degree and meet the 3.20 GPA requirement in the Fast Track program.
  2. As an undergraduate, you can take graduate-level courses in advertising, brand management, consumer behavior, database marketing, marketing research and sales, which can be useful to highlight in your résumé.

Qualified juniors and seniors may take up to 12 hours of marketing graduate courses that can apply to both their BS degree and the requirements for the Master of Science in Marketing degree. For details, please go to our Fast Track page. Please note that this does not impact nor change the GMAT requirement for JSOM-sponsored scholarships administered through the dean’s office. A GMAT score will still be required to qualify for consideration for these scholarships.

The cost varies, depending on your residency status. If you are a Texas resident, it is a lower price than for nonresidents; however, if you qualify for the Dean’s Excellence Scholarship, in addition to the $1,000 scholarship for the academic year (not per semester) you also qualify for the Texas resident tuition rate, which over two semesters can amount to $15,000 to $16,000 in savings.

The Estimated Cost of Attendance (COA) at UT Dallas is determined by the Office of Financial Aid each year and is based on the average costs you may incur each semester. To estimate your costs for two semesters, use the financial aid calculator.

This plan freezes tuition rates at the rate applicable to the first semester you enroll and remains valid for a period of four years.

To make your tuition plan choice, please follow these instructions on the UT Dallas Tuition Plans & Rates page.

Courses are usually offered once a week in the evenings, starting at 7 p.m. and ending at 9:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday in the fall and spring semesters and from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. in the summer semester. Our evening program allows professional students to work in full-time jobs or internships during the day, which is a major advantage of our program. Part-time is the designation for those students taking 9 semester credit hours or less per semester. You can even take one course (3 semester credit hours) per semester if you desire.

International students must take at least 9 credit hours in the fall and spring semesters, which for visa purposes is considered full-time. The time of day a course is offered has nothing to do with that class being part-time or full-time.

Students pursuing the Master of Science in Marketing degree program are required to complete one semester credit hour of Professional Development (MAS 6102). Students must take MAS 6102 in their first semester at UTD; the course cannot be taken beforehand. Degree credit is not earned for program prerequisites; however, the grade achieved in prerequisites will count toward the student’s grade-point average (GPA).

Many of our students have a non-business undergraduate degree. Those interested in the marketing analytics area do better if they have a math, statistics or economics undergraduate degree. We have many students with a liberal arts undergraduate degree who do very well in our program; however, those students need to brush up on their quantitative skills so they can take the GMAT or GRE and achieve an acceptable score. (Please see GMAT/GRE section for more details.)

Admission Requirements/Procedures FAQs

First, read the Frequently Asked Questions provided by the Academic Advising Office, then please visit the MS Programs Admission page to start the admission process online for the MS in Marketing degree.

Deadlines for U.S. Citizens and International Applicants
Term Priority Application and Documentation Deadline* (Complete Admissions Application File Due) Regular Application and Documentation Deadline* (Complete Admissions Application File Due)
Fall Full-Term January 15 May 1
Spring Full-Term May 15 October 1
Summer Sessions October 15 March 1

*For an application to be considered complete, all supporting documents, including transcripts must be postmarked on or before the regular deadline. For incomplete applications submitted after the regular deadline, a new application may need to be completed and submitted for any future terms for which you wish to apply.

You are encouraged to submit a complete application as early as possible, as it can take from four to six weeks to process. Complete application files, including an application and all required documents, submitted by the regular deadline will be processed. If an application is completed after the regular deadline, a decision is not guaranteed.

More information about deadlines is available on the academic calendar.

NO, as long as you submit the online application and pay the application fee before the deadline. However, keep in mind that all documents must be submitted before you can be considered for financial aid or admitted into the program. After all the documents are turned in, there is still a processing time of approximately four weeks. It is in your best interest to submit all your documentation as soon as possible.

While applying for the program you do not need to submit original transcripts, but after admission and before registration for classes, you will need to submit the official transcripts.

No, you don’t need to submit the TOEFL if you have graduated from a university in the United States.

You must submit three (3) letters of recommendation. At least one must be from a professional contact. This professional contact could be a current or past employer, an internship supervisor, colleague/co-worker, or simply someone you know in the business world. Your academic advisor, a faculty member or other university employee who knows you could be other sources of your letters of recommendation.

GMAT/GRE waivers will be considered when an applicant has submitted all documents minus a GMAT/GRE score. The admissions committee will consider previous work experience, an applicant’s verbal and quantitative skills based on prior academic performance and other factors to help validate the applicant’s ability to be successful in a graduate program. Those candidates wanting to apply or be considered for the Dean’s Excellence scholarship must submit a GMAT or GRE score.

Otherwise, yes, you must take either the GMAT or the GRE. UT Dallas Naveen Jindal School of Management prefers the GMAT admission test; however, we gladly accept the GRE test as well. If you have taken one of the exams previously, you must have completed it within the five years prior to your application to the program.

GMAT code is ZTZPQ23

GRE code is R6897.

Our program has no preference, although one benefit of the GMAT is that we offer more subsidized prep courses than we do for the GRE. Regarding the level of difficulty, both exams are very similar, and this determination can be highly subjective. We suggest you compare them by checking out GRE and GMAT prep books from the library, doing their self-assessment tests and deciding for yourself.

As a policy, we do not base admission on just one factor. We look at your GMAT or GRE score, GPA, if you attended an accredited school, any relevant extracurricular activities you were involved in and work experience, if applicable. Our average GMAT score is 620, and our average GRE score is 315.

GMAT/GRE waivers will be considered when an applicant has submitted all documents minus a GMAT/GRE score. The admissions committee will consider previous work experience, an applicant’s verbal and quantitative skills based on prior academic performance and other factors to help validate the applicant’s ability to be successful in a graduate program. Those candidates wanting to apply or be considered for the Dean’s Excellence scholarship must submit a GMAT or GRE score.

Otherwise, a competitive GMAT or GRE score, no more than five years old by the date of application, is required from all applicants, except for:

  • Candidates who have a doctoral degree, such as a PhD, MD or Juris Doctor.
  • High-achieving candidates may request a GMAT/GRE waiver if they have obtained:
    • Their undergraduate degree from a university with an AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accredited business school (regardless of their major) and achieved a GPA at or above a 3.600. Please check with us at msmarketing@utdallas.edu for other waiver levels.
    • Their graduate degree from a university with an AACSB-accredited business school (regardless of their degree’s area of focus) and achieved a GPA at or above a 3.600-please check with us at msmarketing@utdallas.edu for other waiver levels.

GMAT/GRE waivers will be considered for fall 2020 and spring 2021 (as a result of the COVID-19 situation) when an applicant has submitted all documents minus a GMAT/GRE score. The admission’s committee will consider previous work experience, an applicant’s verbal and quantitative skills based on prior academic performance and other factors to help validate the applicant’s ability to be successful in a graduate program. Those candidates wanting to apply or be considered for the Dean’s Excellence scholarship must submit a GMAT or GRE score.

Otherwise, we strongly recommend you take a preparatory course. Numerous third-party companies offer GMAT exam preparation courses. UT Dallas offers a 12-hour GMAT prep course consisting of three, four-hour sessions held on two consecutive weekends at the UT Dallas campus. A GRE prep course is also offered.

For the MS in Marketing program, we consider the best GMAT score.

Yes. Applicants who have earned a three-year baccalaureate degree are eligible to apply for admission to UT Dallas graduate programs.

Under the Choice Act, qualified veterans, spouses and dependents are eligible for in-state tuition at UTD regardless of their state of residence. For more information, please visit the UT Dallas Frequently Asked VA Questions page.

Career, Internship and Job Placement FAQs

Marketing is an essential part of almost any company. Marketing graduates can pursue careers in such areas as advertising, brand management, business development, digital marketing, market research, marketing analytics, marketing management or product management. Students can specialize in industry-specific careers in business-to- business operations, consumer packaged goods companies, e-commerce, international marketing, pharmaceutical marketing, retailing, sports marketing, technology marketing, marketing consulting and many more.

The JSOM Career Management Center (CMC) helps international students in various areas, including résumé preparation, mock interviews, English improvement, job fairs, career counseling and more. Please visit the CMC site for more information.

For more information, see:

Financial Aid and Scholarship FAQs

To learn more about student loans, visit the Office of Financial Aid’s Student Loans pages.

While international graduate students can receive merit-based scholarships, they are not eligible for need-based grants through UT Dallas. International students can apply for loans, but they need a credit-worthy co-signer who is a U.S. citizen or permanent resident who resides in the United States. UT Dallas does not have its own loan program. If you would like to pursue a private education loan, you will need to select a lender and apply directly. While UT Dallas may be asked by the lender to confirm you are a student, the University is not otherwise involved in the process and cannot recommend any lender. Additional information can be found on the Office of Financial Aid’s Private Education Loans page.

The deadline for submitting the FASFA and supporting documentation is typically during the month of April. The spring deadline is typically during the month of October. HOWEVER, you can still apply for financial aid after the deadline. All applications are considered for federal loans. Because the federal Direct Stafford Loan is an entitlement program, there is enough funding for the program without regard to when the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) was submitted. See additional information.

  1. Complete the online application at the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) federal government website: https://studentaid.gov/h/apply-for-aid/fafsa. (Do not go to the .com website as this is a private entity, which will charge you a fee.)
  2. The Federal Student Aid Office in the U.S. Department of Education, home to FASFA, will send you by email a Student Aid Report (SAR) within approximately three business days, telling you your expected contribution to your educational expenses.
  3. After the UT Dallas Office of Financial Aid has reviewed your application, it will offer you a financial aid award. This award usually includes one or more of the following:

The difference between unsubsidized and subsidized loans is that the government pays the interest owed during the loan period. For details, consult the Office of Financial Aid and the Federal Student Aid office.

  1. Once you are admitted (nothing is done or sent by UTD’s Office of Financial Aid until you are admitted into our program), UTD’s Office of Financial Aid sends out letters beginning in April and continues on a rolling basis for applications submitted later. The Office of Financial Aid sends continuing students their financial aid offer beginning in June. They will check to see if you are maintaining a 3.0 GPA and completing at least two-thirds of the classes you attempt. Academic progress standards for financial aid eligibility can be found on the Satisfactory Academic Progress page of the Office of Financial Aid website. To be eligible for federal student loans, you must be registered as at least a half-time student. For graduate students, this is considered to be 5 semester credit hours per semester for long terms (fall and spring semesters) and 3 semester credit hours in summer.

Unfortunately, you will have to pay the tuition; however, when the financial aid is approved, you will be reimbursed very quickly for the tuition you paid (assuming you qualify).

Yes. The most common problem is that students delay applying and/or do not submit all the required documentation on a timely basis. The Office of Financial Aid states that other common problems are:

  1. Not checking your UTD email for information or document requests. The University will only send emails to your UTD email address. Please set up your UTD email account to forward mail to your personal email or check your UTD email!
  2. You are assigned a contact at the Office of Financial Aid office based on your last name. However, it is best to use the general email address and copy your contact to ensure a prompt reply. The general email address is financial-aid@utdallas.edu. See a list of contacts.

It is best to mail in your package rather than to fax or email/scan it.

Mail it to:

Office of Financial Aid, ROC 22

800 West Campbell Road

Richardson, TX 75080-3021

Scholarships based on need as well as merit are available for a wide variety of students. In addition to Jindal School of Management scholarships, there are several scholarships given by UT Dallas. Please visit the following links for more information:

Graduate Scholarships

Office of Financial Aid – Scholarships

In addition to the $1,000 scholarship for the academic year (not per semester), you qualify for the Texas resident tuition rate, which, in a one-year period, can be equivalent to a savings of $8,600 to $12,400.

As scholarship requirements change from time to time, please check the Jindal School Graduate Scholarships page.

It depends on the type of scholarship. If it says in the terms and conditions that the scholarship is not “stackable,” then you may not apply for another scholarship that counts toward in-state tuition. However, there are many third-party scholarships you may apply for in addition to UT Dallas scholarships.

Given that these policies are frequently updated, please refer to the Graduate Scholarships page for more details.

You can apply for a scholarship once you have submitted your application to The University of Texas at Dallas. However, your application won’t be processed until you are actually admitted.

Students who have taken the GRE within the past five years can apply for scholarships only after completing one (1) semester at UT Dallas. Your cumulative GPA from the previous semester will be considered as part of the assessment process.

Yes. You are eligible for scholarships as soon as your degree starts. If you are provided with any scholarship, it will be mentioned in your Form I-20 as well.

International Student FAQs

These can be obtained from your local U.S. embassy or consulate. Consult UTD’s International Student Services for helpful tips and links.

For more information, see

While there may be some internship opportunities for international students, there are fewer opportunities than for domestic students. In addition, there are fewer opportunities for visa sponsorship into full-time jobs for international students.

We have seen sponsorship occur more frequently in the following situations:

  • The student is pursuing an analytics track.
  • The student is pursuing the Product Management Track and earned an undergraduate degree in engineering or the sciences.
  • In both cases, a high degree of written and oral proficiency is required, and usually, the student’s TOEFL score needs to be above a 95. Marketing is about writing and speaking with proficiency.

Approximately 60% of our MS in Marketing students are international students. Many of these students have one to several years of experience in different areas of marketing, such as advertising, marketing analytics or consumer insights. Because MS MKT is now a STEM program, eligible F-1 nonimmigrant students with STEM degrees may apply for a 24-month STEM OPT extension to their original 12-month OPT for a potential total of 36 months of OPT. For more information, please go to the International Students and Scholars Office website.

For more information, see:

UT Dallas has a student services department that helps international students with such issues. Please visit the International Student Services webpages.

Student Testimonials

Mahesh Jajoo

Mahesh Jajoo

This program has helped me grow in different domains of marketing. It is one of the only programs worldwide that allows you to choose multiple courses between tracks. The amount of research that goes into preparing the material for the course is amazing, keeping the teaching material up to date with the changes in the marketing field. It also has taught me the best marketing principles and lessons through its core courses, which I will use throughout my marketing career. Overall, a program that has taken care of all the ever-changing dynamics of marketing that I was looking for and helped me grow as a marketer.
Allison Lutz Waldon

Allison Lutz Waldon

The MBA/M.S. Marketing program has allowed me to build and develop skills that I’ve been able to apply to projects in my current role. The flexible degree plan allows me to take classes while working full-time in marketing.
Holly Lynn

Holly Lynn

UT Dallas has helped me immensely by giving me the tools and knowledge to start a career path in the world of marketing right here in my hometown. I have grown with confidence to become a leader thanks to the many ways of communicating that have opened up to me, meaning things that were learned will not be forgotten!
Hema Sheasha Sai Ganta

Hema Shesha Sai Ganta, MS ’22

MS in Marketing at UTD is an incredible program. I thoroughly enjoyed pursuing the Marketing Analytics and Customer Insights track. The courses and unparalleled knowledge of professors helped me gain a better understanding of analytical applications in a real-world business setting. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is passionate about marketing.
Michelle Bassil

Michelle Bassil, MS ’22

The MBA & Master of Science in Marketing programs have provided me with the opportunity to gain a vast amount of relevant knowledge that is applicable to real-world business problems. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to further my education in a way that allowed me to pursue multiple interests simultaneously!
Rahul Rai

Rahul Rai

My trajectory will always be changed by my time at UTD Naveen Jindal School of Management MS Marketing program. It surpassed all expectations and provided me with unique insight. I’m aware that investing in myself by enrolling in this program has been and will continue to be among the best choices I’ve ever made.
See all Master’s in Marketing Student Testimonials
student working on her UT Dallas application for Jindal School graduate admission on her laptop

Ready to start your graduate application?

Before you apply, get familiar with the application process for Jindal School graduate programs at UT Dallas.

How to Apply