Written by Amber Quach
As a graduating marketing senior of the Jindal School of Management, I looked back at my college career and found that the bulk of my time was put toward focusing on my grades and putting my passion into fostering an organization I founded and established on campus, formerly known as UTD VENUS (Victorious Empowerment N (and) United Sisterhood).
Through three years of dedication, I was able to reach my intended goal as president to transform an interest group into a chartered sorority on campus, Alpha Kappa Delta Phi. Seeing my plan come into fruition by starting an interest-group organization into a recognized sorority on campus was a feat that required a lot of time and dedication and was one of the lasting legacies I wanted to leave on campus during my time.
However, by the fall of my senior year, I found myself in the void of an internship experience, a requirement at JSOM before graduation. As my time as an undergraduate was coming to a close, I took advantage of the usual applications such as Handshake, LinkedIn; and connections — such as family and friends.
Finding the Support I Needed and Friends
However, the most useful resource I had that led me to land an internship was Dr. Julie Haworth, director of the BS in Marketing program. I’ve heard from past peers, how helpful Dr. Haworth was in connecting them to internships, so I reached out to meet with her to talk to her about options.
Through my anxieties and stresses, Dr. Haworth helped connect me with Hannah Barling, social media specialist, and Meghan Minshall, assistant director of marketing, who I work under in the JSOM Dean’s Suite. My internship experience has given me great insight and experience into the marketing processes and projects that will prepare me for my career, post-grad. JSOM requires this experience to put their students at an advantage and prepare them to be a working professional in their field, and they provide amazing faculty, staff and resources to help you get there. They genuinely want you to succeed and will help you in any way they can to provide you with the tools for success.